Sunday, October 12, 2014

Went for my weekly check up last thurs and realized bby isn't gaining weight for the past one week. He's still remaining at 2.5kg which is pretty small. So I had to return back for check up tomorrow to see if he's growing over the past few days. I hope he's growing after I had eaten so much protein food for the past few days. Fighting bby! If he's still not growing then my doctor is gng to do induce labour for me. All along I wanted to opt for natural birth so I could start exercise faster but if bby had to be induce I would go for c-section as induce labour is a lot more painful and there is high chances I might need to have emergency c-section. Just hope bby can choose to come out on its own instead of being induced or operated. Everyday I'm praying I'd get real contractions soon! I'm hitting wk37 tomorrow. Getting nearer to my due date. Daddy Mummy want to see you soon! 

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